Saturday, March 03, 2007

Tuna & Chips

That's it folks.

I have a tuna sandwich with chips for lunch EVERYDAY.

Sometimes I live on the edge and get spicey fries (which really AREN'T a substitute for chips, I discovered this week).

Remember....I work at a SCHOOL. Would YOU eat their tacos? Would you trust the "chicken patties?"

Not me. It's tunaandchipstunaandchipstunaandchips Monday through Friday. Year after year.

So today I was at "Subway" ordering my lunch. And behind me I heard a woman say "Is THIS where you go when I'm not feeding you?"

It was the cafeteria lady at my school. I laughed, a little nervously, because I was just paying for my "Subway" tuna and chips.

And as an aside, I haven't posted for a while, but a couple of guys named Lewis and Clark discovered that our country was a WHOLE lot bigger than we thought it was. But I guess you've already heard about that.